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Welcome to "The Greyhound Inmate Experience"
Celebrating 10 years and graduating close to 1000 greyhounds!

We invite you to spend a few minutes exploring our site to get better acquainted and learn more about this all inspiring program that touches the lives of so many people.

The Greyhound Inmate Experience is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) Michigan volunteer organization. Our purpose is to socialize, train, and care for retired greyhounds in a prison environment and to educate the public of the redemptive qualities and rehabilitative benefits of the program.

Every ten weeks twenty greyhounds are put into the care and supervision of forty specially selected and trained incarcerated dog handlers. As the greyhounds transition from racer to pet, people's lives are also transformed. This program touches the soul of everyone connected to it. Learn more about our inspiration,  our adoption partners who find forever homes for our graduates and our Supportive Friends who contribute on an on-going basis...we could not do this without them!


Shop at Amazonsmile

Shop amazonsmile and designate TGIE as your favorite charity. We will receive a small percentage of each purchase and it will not cost you anymore....every little bit helps!

Photo Gallery is UP!!

We glad to say that the Photo Gallery is up and running. We are using new software and will continue to up date the site.

We will also be doing a complete retool on the site to take advantage of the new servers and technology. So check back to see what changes.

New Adoption Partner

Our new partner is Greyhound Welfare. They will be starting in the next session. See them on our partners page.

Spring is getting closer

Well it was 58 degrees in Detroit today after last big snow dump. Hope fully as spring approachs we will see the end of Covid-19.

News Flash!!!

Gaye Ann and I have added a new family member, and she is  beautiful and the love of our life!

Head shot of Lynn our greyhound

Lynn is now called Lyndy

The next graduation is 4/1/21

The Free Press Features TGIE

The Free Press published an article on December 15, 2015. Here is a link to that article on the Detroit Free Press site.

 Link to the Article